Thursday, September 29, 2011

* Yale's Sterling Professor Bloch added to BAD List

(link to YDN Guest Column)




"This is why it is time to think of the Humanities not as a necessary supplement to a more directly profitable course of study, not as politics via esthetic means, not as a stolen pleasure, but as an applied and universally applicable discipline, a way of acquiring the most essential tools for understanding the world in which we act and move."
Obviously, Professor Bloch is an enemy of The Bill and Melinda Gradgrind Foundation and his heresy undermines our Great God, DATA, and our great new religion of the Modern World. Therefore we place him and all of his writings including this YDN guest column on our Banned Authors Designated (BAD) list.
Paul Keane
(Writing ex cathedra for the papacy of Bill and Melinda Gradgrind)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

* Create a Designated Dueña at Yale

(link to YDN article)

Designated Dueña

theantiyale 1 day, 2 hours ago

The presumption of "drunk" as normal here is irritating. The only time drunk was ever an excuse for beating your wife was when the judge was a male judge. I hardly think it is an excuse for ANYTHING in this gender neutral, feminist-friendly world.


theantiyale 1 day ago

So do Drunk Daters need a Designated Duena to tell them they are too drunk to have sex?

wenzel 19 hours, 32 minutes ago

If I starve a tiger that lives in my locked bedroom for 6 days, and then enter the bedroom covered in bacon perfume and blackout drunk, am I responsible for getting mauled and eaten? What if it's a tigeress and I'm a man? A tiger and I'm a woman? What if the bacon perfume had been on sale?
These comments have some of the worst metaphors I've ever seen outside of William McGonagall's poetry.
Paul Keane's comments are as right-on as usual. TheAntiYale rightly points out that the real issue here isn't rape, but about alcoholism. We can only thank him for his continued contributions to our discussions here.

theantiyale 3 hours, 9 minutes ago

Am so accustomed to criticism I don't know how to respond, except to say: thank you.

Monday, September 26, 2011

* Socially Redeeming Value ?

(link to YDN article)


Professor Derek E.K. Briggs, Director
The Peabody Museum
Yale University

Dear Mr Briggs,

In 1976 I had the privilege of serving on the Mayor of Hamden’s Bicentennial Commission and negotiated donation of the furniture and memorabilia from Thornton Wilder’s study to the Town, now on permanent display in Miller Library in Hamden.  At Yale that next year as a student I negotiated creation of the Kent State Collection at Sterling Memorial Library’s Manuscripts and Archives Division. Recently I have created a digital gallery to display the works of the late Adirondack artist, Dorothy Hoyt.

Each of these projects has socially redeeming value. 

Could you please tell me what socially redeeming value exists in the Peabody Museum’s display sixty years ago (which I saw with my own child’s eyes) of nine jars of formaldehyde each containing the continuum of nine months in the process zygote /embryo /fetus ? 

This exhibit was displayed in the 1950’s when it was even socially unacceptable to subject a live infant to a movie camera, for fear that such an instance would constitute exploitation.

The exhibit existed four blocks from the concomitant daily protest against the alleged violation by Planned Parenthood of the sanctity of human life, a protest organized  by Roman Catholics reciting the Rosary on their knees on the sidewalk in front of the Orange Street Planned Parenthood office, a  few blocks from the Peabody.

In retrospect, it seems to me the Peabody exhibit was insensitive if not disrespectful, especially since there was no information attached to the exhibit explaining the avenues of  maternal permission which led to the exhibit and the ultimate fate of the components of the exhibit.

I addressed these questions to you in a letter 18 months ago which you have not found convenient to acknowledge or answer. It can be read at

Yours sincerely,

Paul D. M. Keane

M. Div. ‘80
M.A., M.Ed.