Saturday, October 12, 2013

* Do I work for the CIA or FBI? "The Literary Birth Pains of 'the Gay Ivy:' Yale, 1985," Ignored.

Book Section 
Christian Science Monitor

Is it too little, too late------my gay Ivy essay, I mean? 

Or is the non-attention of my essay an example of horizontal violence, as in women dissing women in the feminist movement ('Let's not even consider the insight of this dubious outsider-to-the- LGBTQ Movement')?

 I'm discouraged. 

 I thought I was revealing a pregnant moment in American letters in my Literary Gay Ivy essay.

 The new president of Yale likes it ("Thank you for sending me your very interesting essay to me Warm wishes, Peter Salovey"); Thornton Wilder's nephew and literary executor dismisses it: "You have things you wish to write about. You have a right to your view. Why should I care?"; and the retired Harvard archivist, Larry Dowler, says, "Do you work for the CIA or FBI? How did you mange to sit on this for so long?" 

Your paper decides to "pass" on it. 

 The entire Yale LGBTQ faculty who I sent it to (about a dozen folks) has ignored it. 

Yale Daily News ignored it.

 Yale Alumni Magazine ignored it, as did gay publications, The Advocate, Llambda, and Wilde

I think the reaction or non-reaction is as pregnant with meaning as the literary anecdote. 

Yours sincerely, 

Paul Keane

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