Friday, March 9, 2012

* Christian Bullying

Link to YDN article

Arafat 21 hours, 53 minutes ago

I appreciate your attempts, antiyale, to find a way that Islam can come into the modern world but I think all such attempts will fail. Islam, unlike any other major faith is, as Bertrand Russell observed almost a century ago, the only religion which is totalitarian in structure and ideology. And there's no reforming a totalitarian ideology. You can't have a kinder, nicer Nazism or a reformed Marxism. Totalitarian ideologies must be discarded. They can never be squared with such things as liberty, true democracy and equality under the law. I don't doubt that many Muslims now and in the future will be pretty much passive about all the pathological instructions that their religion demands of them, but that is not germane. The religion itself, in all its totalitarian make-up, will remain and, guaranteed here, will always function as a death cult for at least a certain percentage of Muslims when they don't get their way. Ultimately, it's the relgion itself which is rotten and, though personally not religious, I don't see rottenness in any other major faith. The Islamic theological blueprint is flawed to its very core. No other religion's theological blueprint is. This is the essence of the problem.

theantiyale 19 hours, 2 minutes ago

"I don't see rottenness in any other major faith."
Rotten, elitist, blackmail: John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me”
Disgusting intellectual bullying.
Paul D. Keane
M. Div. '80, etc.

River_Tam 17 hours, 53 minutes ago

"Disgusting intellectual bullying."

theantiyale 17 hours, 26 minutes ago

When a religion tells you that you are forever excluded from experiencing the Divine, unless you approach the Divine through its particular First Century Palestinian Carpenter prophet who it asserts is himself one third of the Divine it is engaging in blackmailing and bullying. Do THIS OUR CHRISTIAN WAY or you are excluded from Paradise and risk going to hell, and being identified as an infidel.
Divinity does not require a country club membership---it is open to all.
Paul D. Keane
(plagiarizing Ralph Waldo Emerson)
M. Div '80, etc.

basho 17 hours, 12 minutes ago

i bet your wife loves you

River_Tam 1 hour, 45 minutes ago

"Do THIS OUR CHRISTIAN WAY or you are excluded from Paradise and risk going to hell, and being identified as an infidel."
or you are going to hell.
or you are going to hell.
or you are going to hell.
It's almost like there are rules.

theantiyale 34 minutes ago

You mean rules invented by the phallocentric, male chauvinist, patriarchs at the Council of Nicea (325 A.D.) to solve the problem of polytheism v. monotheism with a new gimmick (THREE gods in ONE: wow---talk about collaborative decision making! Are there any rubrics or benchmarks for this new deity/ies? ). 
Note: all three gods are MALE.
You can't intimidate me with your hell, a man-made cultural Skinner-Box to keep savages from killing, plundering, raping, etc.
To hell with hell.
Paul D. Keane
M. Div. '80, etc.
Ironically, and paradoxically, I've twice advocated in The Anti-Yale bringing the now trivialized and defunct notion of hell back to keep the world’s megalomaniacs frightened into good behavior.

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