(Link to YDN article)
PK on retirement day, outside his classroom, age 67
'[All I want is] Some
guy to ask me out on a date to the frozen–yogurt place,’ she said. That’s it. A
$3 date.”
I’m 21 now; to be
honest, I’d prefer to be taken out for a drink. But I — along with most of the
women I spend time with, and many men here too — am farther from getting asked
out on that drink than I was four years ago, when it wouldn’t have even been
I tried to read
beyond these quotes and became more and more exasperated
Seriously women:
you are still BUYING into the already dead and vestigial artifacts of a
Chivalry you have systematically murdered over the last few decades.
This infuriates
me. WHY does a guy have to ask a girl out. WHY can't a girl ask a guy out?
I'm being serious
here: It has always irritated me that I was expected to give a woman a diamond
ring. Why doesn't the WOMAN give ME a diamond ring. I'm a great catch----even
at this ripe old age (no alimony, no dependents, non-abusive, fairly bright and
a head exploding with undyed hair.).
Kill Chivalry
once and for all and build the new world you want.
Or---do you want
a new world at all? Be honest.